Final Season 22 Content: Wrap Up, Awards, and Pre-Season Ranks Review
Last Content of Season 22 :(
Yeah I got real lazy towards the end, sorry everyone. And this is likely the last one of the season, unless people reallyyy want playoff content. I just don’t have the drive right now. I wasn’t gonna do this one either, but I feel bad about the travesty I released yesterday so. If I do content next season it will probably be a weekly stream or something, writing is just super time consuming. I actually enjoyed making content, at least most of the time. In retrospect, I should have just stuck to one type, like Ranks or MVPs or Predictions, because I think I burned myself out pretty hard. Still tho, it was fun. I hope you all enjoyed reading it. I really appreciated all of the feedback and gratitude and shit. Even the criticisms (when done nicely) were good. So thanks to everyone that took the time to show appreciation, it’s what kept me going.
Anyways, I’m gonna give out some awards for random categories of my own choosing. These awards are pretty boring, they are sorta just going to players on teams with the best records lol. Also ‘best’ doesn’t mean best. Because Odyssey or yfu would win literally every award. It’s more of a subjective best + season performance + team record etc… Also if you think you deserve an award/mention and I missed you, sorry but there’s like 90 people in PST, can’t track/know them all.
I’m also gonna review how I did in pre-season ranks predictions.
Most Valuable Player:
Vktr (Zend)
It’s pretty hard not to give this award to the best player on the best team. Like that’s literally what the MVP award is made for. So congrats to Vktr. Ban his Pango. Better yet, just FF so you don’t have to play him at all. Might avoid some pain.
Most Valuable Player For Medal:
Pingaling (Pneuma)
This one was pretty close between Ping-god and iFestor, but I’m gonna go with Ping. He popped off a lot earlier in the season when I was paying more attention, so he gets a bonus from that. And I mean the guy really popped off, he put up a bunch of monster stat lines on shit like Io/Bounty carry. And he used to play support. And he’s legend 4. So yeah Ping gets the draft value MVP.
Most Valuable Captain:
I’ve never played with Yfu, so I can’t speak on his in-game leadership/shotcalling. Although I’m sure it’s pretty fucking pog. But Yfu had 3 players at legend and below, and might need back surgery after carrying them to playoffs. I’m sure Doofgod helped, but Yfu deserves most of the credit. And to be very honest, this is a difficult award to give out, because I don’t know how any Captains operated, what their level of PMA was, how good their drafting was etc... So Yfu is an easy default pick. But he still deserves it I think. Ripley should maybe get props for stepping up as a Captain in the middle of the season, but I doubt he had the same impact Yfu did. MOCA, CRAP, and StonedSpirit might deserve honorable mentions as well.
Best Team:
Best record, was #1 in power ranks for like all season. Playoff favorites. Passed the eye test. Easy choice.
Best Carry:
Carries are hard too choose from. There are about 5 people that I want to give this award too. iFestor, Ping, Gachi, StonedSpirit and Ashen. You couldn’t go wrong with any of them. But one of Gachi and StonedSpirit should be winning. It’s a tough choice, StonedSpirit (along with Lane) dragged his (in my opinion) very mediocre team into playoffs. Gachi has probably had the most consistent and best KDA’s across the season, but his teammates were better than StonedSpirits. I think iFestor and Ping were really great, but probably benefited a ton from team success and higher MMR supports. Ashen was really solid as well. I’m giving it to StonedSpirit tho.
Best Mid:
Easily the hardest choice of all the awards. PST had some great fuckin mid players this season. Like the lowest MMR mid player was Zend. And his team is number #1. So many great candidates man. Linkdx and Ezpz are both deserving. So are Yfu and Odyssey. Lane played super well all season. CRAP, Emu, The Chazz, MOCA… Who else we got? Did I mention Zend played well for his badge? And then there’s still a ton of immortal mids that won’t get it: Gronaldo, Riv, Treyn, Vel, SteveyRuggles… Ok actually pretty sure I just named all the mids. (If I missed you I’m sorry) But the first two: Linkdx and Ezpz are a step above the rest, they have the team records and individual performances. I think I’m gonna go with Linkdx here tho. But it’s really close.
Best Offlaner:
He won the MVP, it would be super fuckin weird if he didn’t win his positional award as well. But if it’s not Vktr… Deesul has a good case. Without looking at it too much, those two seem pretty far ahead of the field.
Best Support:
Tot.. Ahem. Excuse me. Actually you know what? Yeah. Toth.
I’m actually struggling due to a lack of candidates for this award. I don’t really recall any 4 player having a super great season. Like some played decent I guess. I could give it to a usual suspect: Mason, Deadprez, Zoompa, Bloodninja are all high medal 4’s. Ratman is the highest medal, and probably the ‘best’. But I can’t give it to a player whose team only had 1 win. I don’t think Zoompa had the best KDA’s across the season (which is really all I look at). Bloodninja has been playing a mix of 4 and 5. Deadprez has had a down season to my knowledge. So this award should go to Mason? Yeah it should. He’s been the best 4 that made playoffs at least. But fuck it. I deserve a win for once. Plus my Windranger is honestly immortal, ask anyone. And it gets banned every game, mega value there. Plus I made tons of content, I’m the best 4. Yep.
Best Hard Support:
Another super close race. This time between Tree and OneDay. They were the two highest MMR 5 players coming in, so it’s not all that surprising that they are competing for this award. I’m ultimately giving it to Tree, if my memory is correct he had slightly better stat-lines than OneDay over the course of the season. Plus he picked the most random shit, which is pretty pog.
How Did I Do?
Final Regular Season Standing (and my original prediction):
- Zend (#3 …. +2)
- Pneuma (#13 …. +11)
- Thrillhouse (#12 …. +9)
- CRAP (#7 …. +3)
- Neku (#4 …. -1)
- Yfu (#5 …. -1)
- Forest Bear (#8 …. +1)
- Ripley (#17 …. +9)
- StonedSpirit (#11 …. +2)
- Burgeoning (#10 …. 0!!)
- MOCA (#6 …. -4)
- Bsvhsvj (#9 …. -3)
- Velvelvel (#15 …. +2)
- Jabinskiz (N/A)
- Steven (#1 …. -14)
- MJJ (#16 …. 0!!)
- Gronaldo (#2 …. -15)
- Doomcow (#14 …. -4)
The degree of change averages out as: 4.8
Wow that’s actually a lot better than I thought. I was extremely wrong about 5 teams, but the rest I was a goddamn Oracle. Damn maybe I am a good content creator after all.