MVP’s: Weeks 3–5

7 min readFeb 26, 2021


Week 3:

Neku vs. Burgeoning
MVP: Emu (Ember Spirit)
I can’t see the first game, but I’m giving Emu the MVP for carrying his team in the loss. And for beating Odyssey mid. That’s pretty pog. I don’t know who the Ember/Void Spirit matchup is supposed to favor, but beating a rank 200 immortal in the only 1v1 lane is kinda epic. Plus he had a better game. It might feel weird to give an MVP for a losing game, but I’ve fallen a long way in journalism standards. The things Windranger does to a man…

StonedSpirit vs. Forest Bear
MVP: Lane (Kuunka/Puck)
Lane owns. PST has a plethora of midlaner’s this season, and Lane has been one of the most consistent performers. Actually they’ve all been really consistent/good. Idk lol. Midlaners are owning this season, and Lane is no exception. Yeah. That’s a better way to put it. Anyways, Lane (along with StonedSpirit) has been the principal force behind his team’s success so far. This series he crushed Forest Bear’s team with a 30/5/31 KDA across both games. God Puck is so broken; maybe I should just give this one to StonedSpirit… Nm I’m not rewriting this

Thrillhouse vs. Jabinskiz
MVP: Aylith (Windranger/OD)
I won’t lie to you guys, this MVP is mostly due to the Windranger. I sorta don’t want to give it to Aylith cuz it was stolen from me, but I’m a Wind simp sooo

Doomcow vs. Bsvhsvj
MVP: Cerys (Jakiro/Witch Doctor)
I’m giving it to a support for once! Cerys had 18 kills on Witch Doctor. That’s the most kills I’ve ever seen on a 5 in RD2L. Shit, it might be the most kills I’ve seen on a 5 period.

Gronaldo vs. Waifu
MVP: Dream (Juggernaut/Phantom Lancer)
Gotta go with my boy Dream here. A legend 1 carry putting up those numbers? 22/3 on Jugger and 7/3 PL? I mean I’m sure Waifu made his games very easy. But at least maybe he’ll stop pinging me in discord and saying
Nice ____!
@dream Nice MVP!

Pneuma vs. MJJ
MVP: Pingaling (Phantom Lancer/Anti-Mage)
Pingaling might actually be the most value legend carry in RD2L history. Am I missing something? Is Bloodninja just winning all his lanes for him? Because I have yet to see Pingaling not stomp a game. I would call him a smurf if I hadn’t seen his pos 4 last season. Maybe that was toxic. Nah, he needs a little bit of flame to counteract all the praise I’ve been giving him.

CRAP vs. Ripley
MVP: CRAP (Underlord/Weaver)
You could have picked CRAP or Riv, or even, ahem, BigBoiAnus (wow I’ve actually avoided typing that up until now) as an MVP for this series and it would be reasonable. But I’m so fucking tired of giving it to carries. And mids too honestly. But at least CRAP picked some weird shit like Underlord/Weaver so fuck it.

Velvelvel vs. Steven
MVP: Velvelvel (Storm Spirit/Void Spirit)
Sigh. Another mid. This one really deserves it at least. 40 kills. 0 deaths. Yeah that’s all I’m gonna say about it.

Zend vs. MOCA
MVP: OneDay (Undying/Winter Wyvern)
I was pretty determined to give this MVP to a support, despite the fact that Vktr and iFestor popped off (Spoiler: they do every week). Fortunately, OneDay had a really nice series from the 5. I think OneDay is actually the key to this team’s dominance. Vktr is obviously a godgamer. Zend and iFestor are both very competent value cores. As far as anchors go, YoungBuck seems to be good. So if you can add a high medal 5 to a team with that composition? Well, we’re seeing the results.

Week 4

Neku vs. Jabinskiz
MVP: Jabinskiz (Sand King/Underlord)
Jabinskiz made me draft this series. I’m sorry to Emu (who would deserve the award otherwise), but unless you break the DOTA single game kill record, you can’t really top Jab’s decision.

MJJ vs. Burgeoning
MVP: Odyssey (Timbersaw/Templar Assassin)
This MVP could go to a few people. Drabz and Odyssey had two great performances in two sub 30 minute stomps. But I’m assuming Odyssey is drafting. Which edges him over Drabz due to the fact that these games were absolute outdrafts.

StonedSpirit vs. Pneuma
MVP: Two Foot Onion (Underlord/Venomancer)
This was one of those series where no one really played exceptionally well in both games. At the same time, most of them had one game of MVP caliber play; so I’ll give it to the best single game performer: Two Foot Onion. He went 13/3/13 on Underlord and managed to shut down Pingaling in lane. Well done.

Forest Bear vs. Ripley
MVP: Ripley (Underlord/Sand King)
Ripley’s team had 3 MVP’s this series, but fuck carries and fuck mids; am I right or what? Plus Ripley is nice to me about my content. Say nice things to your content creators! Also Ripley does actually deserve it, he played really well.

Steven vs. Bsvhsvj
MVP: Staylin (Wraith King/Weaver)
Staylin is the only real choice. He played pretty well in both games. I wanted to give it to Cerys for another 10+ kills at the 5, but a lackluster game 2 prevents that.

MOCA vs. Yfu
MVP: Doofgod (Tidehunter/Tidehunter)
Doof had god(like) performances on Tidehunter. Well maybe not quite. But I really wanted to use that sorry. Anyways he put together a pretty nice series, he along with Yfu carried them past uh… good fucking god, Ogre carry? You guys couldn’t pick Ogre 1 against us? Maybe I could have given myself an MVP. Now I’m a little salty.

Gronaldo vs. Doomcow
MVP: Gronaldo (Monkey King/Clinkz)
Did you guys know I’ve beaten Gronaldo in a 1v1 twice now? Once was a year ago; the most recent was like two weeks ago. He played MK (in the recent one) and I (playing Wind) absolutely dominated him . So it’s nice to see he’s improved! Congrats @gronaldo!

CRAP vs. Zend
MVP: Vktr (Pangolier/Pangolier)

I think everyone found out why Pango is banned against Zend. Vktr fucking kills with this hero. I mean Vktr does that with any hero. I guess I would still ban Pango; it just feels worse to lose to that broken piece of shit.

Velvelvel vs. Thrillhouse
MVP: Ezpz (Storm Spirit/Puck)

Ezpz indeed. 16/0/14 as Storm. 9/3/22 on Puck. Can everyone stop letting Ezpz have Puck? Feel like it’s an instant loss.

Week 5

MJJ vs. Doomcow
MVP: Narte (Drow/Juggernaut)

I’m so happy rn. I’ve been waiting to give Narte an MVP since week 1. I don’t care if he deserves it or not, Narte is getting the MVP for carrying his team to their first win of the season. Or at least for being the carry in the win. Whatever, semantics.

Ripley vs. Burgeoning
MVP: Odyssey (Kuunka/Shadow Fiend)

This one is pretty clear cut. Odyssey got to mid against a lower badge player (Ripley’s team was playing off-role due to Riv standin) and he capitalized on their misfortune. Dominated this series like a player of his skill should.

MOCA vs. Jabinskiz
MVP: Reckless (Axe/Axe)

Reckless had a nice series, we actually won the early/mid-game somehow in game 1. Our lineup was much better late game. They let me have my only hero and I solo-killed their carry Razor at like 25 minutes. But then Reckless saved the day. You ever had an ex that just non-stop calls you? And you’re just thinking holy fuck please stop? It was a lot like that. Except, you know, a Dota game. And we didn’t get the shameful hookup afterwards. Only the pain.

CRAP vs. Yfu
MVP: Yfu (Invoker/Bounty Hunter)

Ooof. Yeah you probably shouldn’t let Waifu have his Bounty Hunter. It gets banned for a reason. That reason being: he has scorelines like 30/1/13 with it. Have I mentioned my best Dota play in content yet? I don’t think I have. In season 20, Toth’s Thots (now that’s a fuckin team name) were facing off against Yfu’s team in the playoffs. That series was actually kinda crazy, had a mega creeps comeback. But it all came down to a pivotal game 3. Yfu picked himself Terrorblade, and I was a little shook. But I inexplicably managed to push him out of the lane as Lina. About 10–12 minutes into the game I was caught way out of position while warding… Or was I? Waifu probably thought I would start running away considering I had no mana, but he clearly doesn’t understand the complexities and depth of the 3k mind. I just started auto-attacking this Terrorblade, and solo killed him lmao. But yeah that remains the best thing I’ve done in Dota ever. It sounds way less impressive when I type it out, shit. And wow did I really just turn this Yfu MVP into bragging about this sick play I made? Well, I guess that’s what you get for dying solo to Toth as an immortal 400. Ban Yfu bounty.

Zend vs. StonedSpirit
MVP: Lane (Storm Spirit/Lone Druid)

Am I actually giving the MVP to a player on the losing side of a 2–0? Yes. Is it justifiable? Probably not… but consider this, how much worse would StonedSpirit have lost if Lane hadn’t played so well? And he had the best KDA in the series. And Lane owns. Don’t think about it too much; I literally gave an MVP to someone for picking Wind.

Gronaldo vs. Bsvhsvj
MVP: FF (No Hero/No Hero)
FF wins again, as it always does. Forfeits will always be the true MVP.

Forest Bear vs. Steven
MVP: Forest Bear (Disruptor/Clockwerk)

I actively look for ways I can give MVP’s to non-cores. Here’s a hint: if you really want a Toth MVP; have a positive KDA with more than like, idk, 6 kills? As a support and you’ll probably get it. Or pick Wind.

Velvelvel vs. Neku
MVP: Ashen (Medusa/Juggernaut)

Ashen spent zero time in the grave this series. Man how do people play Dota without dying? I look forward to dying, that’s my twitter time. And no, that’s not a cope for me dying so much. I just really like twitter. Seriously though, Ashen played really well. Both games were stomps, and I feel like you don’t expect heroes like Dusa/Jugg to have the most kills in sub-30 minute games.

Thrillhouse vs. Pneuma
MVP: FF (No Hero/No Hero)
Sadge. FF strikes again.

MVP Leaderboards:

  1. Ripley (3)
    Oddysey (3)
    Lane (3)
  2. Pingaling (2)
    CRAP (2)
    Velvelvel (2)
    Tree (2)
    Staylin (2)
    Vktr (2)



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