Post Draft Rankings + Predictions

6 min readJan 4, 2021


I’ve left my own team (Jabinskiz) off to reduce bias. Also don’t flame me if I ranked your team low or whatever; I’m bad and don’t know anything.
If you see a * its for corrections. I’m not gonna change the rankings but I did get stuff wrong so keep it in mind.

Power Rankings:

  1. steven:
    This team seems really good on paper. I’ve heard staylin can be toxic but he’s still one of the better carries in PST. They have a really strong tri-core and two supports that have been playing RD2L for a combined 18 seasons. I could be wrong but this team seems like the heavy favorite if there is no drama.
  2. gronaldo:
    Gronaldo solo carried my team to top 8 in season 20; so there might be bias here, but gronaldo is def a top 3 mid in PST. They also have a strong safelane with Fallen/Skia duo. The biggest hurdle for this team will be their offlane: it has a Guardian 1/Legend 4 duo that will likely lose all of their lanes. Despite that I still think this team is a playoff lock which is more than I can say for everyone below.
  3. zend:
    This team has solid MMRs, Vktr/OneDay might be the highest MMR mid/safe duo in PST this sesason. I’ve heard that Zend is pretty value for his rank. They have a low mmr support duo but so does literally every team so it’s probably fine.
    *I got mixed up on the Vktr/OneDay roles
  4. neku
    We’re now in uncharted waters, I have no clue how to rank the rest of the teams. Neku’s team seems solid so I guess I’ll put them here. Emu/Ashen are probably a good mid/safe duo. Neku is mostly a 5 player so I’m a little worried about their offlane, but based on the current trend you could do worse than a legend/archon lane.
  5. yfu
    Along with the #1 overall pick (Odyssey) waifu is a top two player in PST. There is a good chance I have this team ranked way too high, but waifu has had exactly one losing season (7–9 record) out of eight. Waifu can easily solo carry games and doofgod is probably one of the better offlaners in the division. They have two crusader players and a low legend; which might just drag them under the playoff benchmark. Who knows. The presence of waifu keeps them at #5 for now.
  6. moca
    I think this team will be decent. It’s hard to tell. I was a lot lower on them until I saw the rest of the teams. It seems like they have 3 supports Treebeard/Mantis/LeeHarvey. Maybe Mantis moves to offlane? Speaking of Mantis he was a full medal lower in the draft this season than last season. I’m guessing there’s value there idk. Moca has a pretty good RD2L track record. They also have an admin, and as everyone knows this is a rigged league…
  7. CRAP
    This team has a high divine and 3 high ancients: so they’ll probably be good and should be higher in this list. But I’m lazy so I’m not changing it. I don’t know anything about their players. CRAP stood in for my team in a scrim once and begged for juggernaut both games. I’m guessing they are playoff bound.
  8. forest bear
    This team is similar to CRAP team. 4 high ancient players will mean their lanes should be strong, but they might suffer from not having high divine/immortal drafting and shotcalling. I’m thinking that they are on the playoff bubble.
  9. bsvhsvj
    I thought this team looked familar and as it turns out… this team is literally the season 20 USDanny team if you replace him and Mr. Fish with bsvhsvj and PrinceMeerkat (both replacements have the same MMRs as well). That team did go 6–10 but I think the season 20 teams were way better than the current ones. Treyn and deadprez are both really good and bsvhsvj/meerkat seem a little sandbagged. I actually think this team has top 5 potential, but I’m gonna keep them here until I see them winning games.
  10. burgeoning
    This team looks almost exactly like the yfu team. But I’m a lot more skeptical of it than yfu squad. Odyssey will be in a 1v9 in all of their games. He is a rank 190 immortal so it’s certainly possible. I just don’t know if that will end up working out. I’m gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and keep them here, but this team could be really good or really bad. My two biggest concerns are who is drafting and who is playing carry.
  11. StonedSpirit
    This StonedSpirit team might actually be too low. StonedSpirit used to be a high ancient carry player that I remember as being pretty decent. Lane is one of the better mids in the division. I’m a little worried about their offlane which is why I’m keeping them here. If Zoompa plays offlane than this team could be playoff bound, but it seems like they don’t have an offlane player at all.
  12. thrillhouse
    Not totally sure what to think, but I don’t think their much better than decent; so I’m gonna put them here. Ezpz is a pretty good midlaner. They also don’t really have any anchors. I think they’ll end up winning a good amount of games but ultimately miss playoffs. Alternatively They could also just lose a bunch of games.
  13. pneuma
    They have a rank 1500 immortal midlaner so their team floor is already decent. I have major doubts about their team ceiling. It seems like they will have two > legend cores and that might spell disaster in their lanes and games. Bloodninja is consistently inconsistent. They also have this Rabbi player who was ancient 3 at one point. His draft medal was archon 1. This team could be good but I think a lot has to go right.
  14. doomcow
    I’m thinking this team is on the lower end of the division. Doomcow is a solid carry player from what I’ve seen. But apparently he is going mid this season so who knows. They have a low legend carry in Narte, and a high legend offlaner in HealthySnacks. HealthySnacks could be value at that medal, but I’m not totally sure. He did dumpster my team in a game last season, but I also know he was pretty anti-value (at ancient 5 badge) in season 20. If he’s stable than this is probably the right spot for this team.
  15. velvelvel
    This team has two immortals, which is two more than like half the teams. Unfortunately I’m fairly certain both of them are playing support. They will (I assume) end up with two archons playing safelane/mid; and that just spells disaster to me. They aren’t ranked last solely because they do have two immortals. And an admin. Maybe they end up ok? I doubt it tho.
    *Mistook Velvelvel for Vuvu somehow. They do NOT have two immortal supports.
    *Also they don’t have an admin
  16. Michael Jackson
    This might be the most controversial placement, but this team does not scream playoffs to me. Mango girl has a one hero pool (as seen in player statement) and seems like that divine 1 medal is anti-value. If DopeMan can solo carry and if teams don’t ban Lone Druid for 10 of their games then this team could make playoffs. But I’m guessing everyone is just gonna ban LD.
  17. rabisu
    This team is last. They very well might end up proving me wrong, but I can’t currently justify ranking them above anyone else. If Mr. “I have played in many high level Lans” is actually sandbagged/smurfing, they are probably fucked, because they’ll get replaced by an actual divine 5. If they are not sandbagged/smurfing, they are probably fucked anyway. Maybe I’m being too harsh, but that player statment along with the name set off all the alarm bells.
    *I’ve been told I’m heavy sleeping on this team, which could very well be true




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