Season 24!! Ty vuvu!!!

5 min readAug 30, 2021


Alright just to get this out of the way, I’ll be doing 3 pieces of content this season. No more no less. The first edition will be this one! The second will be mid-season, and the third will be after the last week of the regular season.

What a fucking shitshow of a draft. Who allowed that to transpire? I’m inclined to blame Vuvu. It’s like everyone took a gander at the playerlist and decided to go full clown. What was the villians name from The Incredibles? Syndrome or something? He said something like: “if everyone is super, no one is”. Maybe we can apply that to PST this season. If every team is dog, no team is.

Maybe not that bad?

Pretty sure this will be another CRAP-God season. He managed to snag 2 divine players (Sokaza, Citrus King), which is kinda impressive. Sure one of them is a support, but his high legend carry (DrSpizzle) doesn’t look that bad. Also, he got Oz for the third season in a row.

Yfu picked ZombiesExpert in the first round, a former divine 5 offlaner. He then picked yolksoup in the second round, who also mostly plays offlane. So one of those two will be playing carry (or mid?) I guess. Woh is pretty decent for his badge as well. Idk it’s yfu, his team will make playoffs.

They might go overlooked, but tzsyu picked a really well balanced team. At least in terms of MMR. Roles-wise I’m pretty sure they have two carry players (BigBoiAnus, Jotham) and two 4’s (Boogy, Dream), but really it could be a lot worse. If they figure out the roles they might actually not be that bad.

I’m pretty sure they’ll be decent. HappyHobo looks like the best offlaner in the pool. Hanmingzyy is pretty good. If Newbycakes isn’t absolute ass at carry then they’ll make playoffs.

Could be worse

I think this team will be ok? I don’t know man. MOCA is obviously good… when he gets TA. How will the Ripley/Deadprez lane do? Is George good? Few question marks here.

Well PearBerr won the Eli sweepstakes. And you can’t even feel bad for them, they were hoping for Eli in the second round. So you get what you ask for I guess. In a vacuum, Eli is a good DOTA player. Like as long as this team doesn’t implode they should be good. Although quad_buck and Eli are both mid players, idk how that’s gonna work. Feel like a lot of Eli’s value comes from the bullshit heroes.

Simple dove a bit in the first round, and as a result he ended up with no one below legend. HealthySnacks and Tiggles are known commodities. Apparently PhattyWhale is both good and will tryhard. But Reggie is going to make or break this team. Reggie is still a divine player… when he wants to be. Will he want to be for this team? No idea.

Linkdx might be able to carry this team to playoffs. But he also hasn’t played DOTA in a few months so… And is Sharingan playing carry? I thought he was support only? I’m positive OneDay is playing 5. And Sambo is also a 5 player. Are you giving your last pick crusader 3 a core role? Good luck I guess

Pass the copium

Yeah I think this team will be pretty average. On paper it looks like a slightly nerfed version of their PST-winning team last season, but in reality it’s much worse. Although they do have this Frostbite account. 800 games, Ancient 1, took like 2 years off? Sus? Or maybe they’re just a really washed gamer, and this team will be a yikes.

I think this offlane is going to be too much of an anchor. And there’s so many high mmr mids this season, odds are Burra won’t get to pop off every game. Wait actually are putting FTS offlane? If so then the safelane will be too much of an anchor.

Uhhh probably the team that’s most unclear to me. The mmr is there. But will the immortal be? Not according to his statement. An immortal that won’t shotcall or draft might be a pretty big L.

Is Tree pursuing an Olympic career in the High Dive? Idk how else you can explain the Lucas pick. Like sure it’s a meme and all that Lucas is super sandbagged. But he’s not that sandbagged. Phoenix is fuckin washed, I know from personal experience. Scrub is kinda a memer right? Yah idk who’s gonna win you guys games. It won’t be Narte. (I’m sorry Narte)

So Cev seems like the best mid in the division? But these sidelanes look real bad. Mplayer and Wicked_Sick are both carry players, and one of them will have to play offlane. I’m not sure if Clare can compensate for whoever goes off role.

What were you thinking? Was there a plan here?

Definitely the best of the worst. There’s potential here, I just don’t know what Carn/ChowMains are playing. Someone on this team will have to go mid. And is ChowMains actually a support only player now? I can’t remember what he played last season with that same draft statement. If ChowMains is playing support then forget what I said about potential.

Running it back never felt so good. Hey maybe they’ll win more than 3 games this season. They replaced me with Zoompa, which is obviously an upgrade. But now it’s pneubma/penwyn for Stoned/Galaxias. But don’t worry!! I was the problem!!

This team is actually 4 supports and Mooshack. The mmr looks fine. But unless two of them can play non-support it’s gonna be rough. I’m assuming you want Krenn/Simon on the 4/5. Mappo at 3? Extempest at 1? Carry is so fuckin braindead that it might be fine. But I’m expecting failure here.

I’m literally lost for words

What the absolute fuck? Why would you ever listen to me? I’ve never played mid in my life lmao. Yeah the rest of our team doesn’t even matter, I’m gonna get merked every single game.



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