Week 3 MVP’s
Yes I know the MVP’s are actually from week 2 but for the sake of continuity it’s being called week 3
Waifu vs StonedSpirit Series
MVP: Lane (Ember Spirit/Lina)
StonedSpirit is also very deserving. He had a great series absolutely racking up the kills with Ursa and Riki. But Lane put up similar numbers and did one thing that automatically gives him the MVP. He beat Waifu mid (at least according to Dotabuff). Did I mention Waifu was on Viper? Yeah not sure how that happened. Either way give props to Lane everyone
Jabinskiz vs Doomcow Series
MVP: SteveyRuggles (Clinkz/Ember Spirit)
Hard carried. Toth + Jabinskiz offlane duo uhh.. made space. Yeah we’ll go with that. We actually did give our team the economical advantage by feeding lots of gold and letting SteveyRuggles take it back. Blakkout played decent; had a game winning ice path. Phoenix played AM and Jugg so major yikes on him. I think at one point the enemy desperation smoked and caught Stevey while the rest of us were across the map. He turned and kill 2 heroes and forced the rest back.
Burgeoning vs Velvelvel Series
MVP: Velvelvel (Puck/Lina)
In similar fashion to the Waifu/SS series, both Vel (mid) and Flesh Canoe (carry) put up monster stats both games. I’m gonna give it to the mid cuz carry players are the most cringe DOTA players. And Velvelvel managed to keep up (and later out perform) with Odyssey drawing mid both games.
Thrillhouse vs Bsvjhsvhsdfsdga Series
MVP: Thrillhouse (Enigma)
Only game 1 is on Dotabuff. Gonna be the most controversial choice this week. In all honesty Thrillhouse probably doesn’t deserve it; I’m not watching the VOD so I’ll never know if he had some nasty black holes on Enigma. Or if he choked. He gets the nod because…
a) I’m tired of giving it to cores
b) their core picks were Riki/Puck/OD (fuck all those heroes)
c) for having the confidence to pick Enigma 4 as a low rank player in RD2L
Rabisu vs Michael Jackson Series
MVP: TBD but Ripley (Axe/Axe) for now
I legitimately don’t know who to pick here. And it’s not because a few people deserve it or whatever. No one does. Like game 1 everyone on Rabisu played well, and everyone on MJJ choked. Vice versa for game 2. Riv and DopeMan (opposing mids) had one great game and one terrible game. All the supports fed. Ripley probably had the best series performance? Someone that played this series DM me so I can pick someone. Actually fuck it I’ll just put Ripley. If Ripley isn’t the right choice one of you let me know.
Zend vs Forest Bear Series
MVP: Vktr (Outworld D/Brewmaster)
Vktr had a nice series from the offlane. Went 18/8/11 on OD and 13/4/22 as Brewmaster. Not sure what else to say. The series was pretty contested and Vktr clearly performed the best in both games. OneDay had an impressive 11/4/21 KDA on Undying; while Gachi produced a 22/6/16 Jugg game. Regardless, Vktr brings home the trophy.
MOCA vs Neku Series
MVP: Tree (Viper) ….. jk it’s actually MOCA (Templar Assassin/Necrophos
There are some things in life that you never imagine seeing or experiencing. Those things could be astronomically rare, literally impossible, or even so idiotic that you lack a low enough IQ to think of it at all. For example: a blue moon is one of the rarest events in our night sky, the Cowboys winning a super bowl is a zero-probability occurence, and Viper 5 is fucking braindead. Are they just randoming Tree’s hero every game? MOCA played the best tho he carried them pretty hard in a 2–0 stomp of team Neku. Why aren’t teams banning MOCA TA? He has like a 1000 games on it.
Steven vs CRAP Series
MVP: Staylin (Luna/Phantom Lancer)
His team might have been 0–2'ed, but Staylin put up two solid performances in the losses. CRAP, Deesul, and BigBoiAnus all played well through both games but that ultimately hurts them individually in the MVP race. I also snubbed Staylin for no reason last week so I gotta make up for it somehow.
Gronaldo vs Pneuma Series
MVP: Pingaling (Bounty Hunter/Io)
No other real choices here. Given the circumstances Pingaling unarguably deserves the MVP from this series. He played a safelane Bounty Hunter and farmed an 11 minute bfury. According to his Dotabuff; he has 15 total bounty hunter games… all of them in the support role. In the other game he grabbed Io. He has more Io games… but they are still mostly as a support. Have I mentioned his KDA’s? 14/1/22 on the Wisp, and 15/5/16. And he’s legend 3.
Week 3 Overall MVP
PINGALING (Bounty Hunter/Io)
Unorthodox picks, legend player, 11 min Battlefury (non-alch), curbstomped both games, and my guy traditionally isn’t even a carry? Pingaling putting everyone on notice. There’s an actual godgamer in PST
(Segment where I track the amount of MVPS players have received)
*only players with two or more MVP selections are shown
- Ripley (2)