Week 3 Predictions

5 min readJan 29, 2021


Zend 1 | 1 MOCA
MOCA’s team pulls off a series tie due to a favorable matchup against one of the top dogs in PST. Vktr faces off against one of the higher MMR safelane duos in Tree/Reckless, and doesn’t pop off quite as hard as he had in the first few weeks. MOCA rolls from the midlane and leads his team to a victory in at least one game. The lynchpin of this series will be the Zend safelane/MOCA offlane: can Mantis/Lee Harvey outlane or at least draw iFestor/OneDay? If they lose hard this could be a Zend sweep.

Steven 0 | 2 Velvelvel
Velvelvel is a stronger team than I initially thought, and they matchup well against Steven’s team. Despite this prediction, Steven is still in the upper echelon … but I think they drop this series. Vel has the superior cores (although Flesh Canoe/Staylin might be a draw) and Steven’s massive advantage on support MMR isn’t enough to win the lanes. Rhyzerz is still relatively new to the mid lane; if I’m not mistaken he’s dropped a full badge since making the switch from carry. Steven’s squad can still easily ruin this prediction with two good drafts, but I’m sticking with my guns.

CRAP 2 | 0 Rabisu
Crap has been the overall best player early in the season, and he continues that dominance in week 3. Riv (who is now immortal btw) doesn’t manage to win mid and Rabisu’s team loses sight of the game plan due to this. CRAP’s sidelanes also win handedly. Riv will have to win these games by himself, and the only way I can see that happening is through some cheese picks: Arc/Meepo etc…

Pneuma 2 | 0 Michael J. Jackson
After last week, I’m not betting against Pneuma until they lose. If Pingaling’s performance wasn’t a fluke; Pneuma’s team will be competing for top 4 easily. Linkdx has some scary heroes, and Bloodninja has been play well to start the season. The one worry with Pneuma is that their MMR’s are a little on the low side. But like I said, if Pingaling is actually just a god-tier carry then they will be a great season. I’m predicting 2–0 here because I’m sure Pneuma will just ban Zoo heroes. MJJ’s only real success so far has been through picking Lycan/Beast/LD type stuff. If, for some godforsaken reason… they decide to let all that shit through MJJ is capable of 2–0ing.

Gronaldo 2 | 0 Yfu
This matchup is as good as it gets for Gronaldo. If he doesn’t pull out the victory this week; I’m gonna flame so hard the only thing left of Gronaldo will be ashes. He does have a mid matchup with Yfu, which is always rough. But his sidelanes should actually be ok. Doofgod likely won’t be able to win his lane against the Skia/Fallen duo. And more importantly: Scoliosis and Joker actually have a chance to win their lane against the lowest MMR safelane they will see all season. Yfu won’t be able to roll his top 3 PST midlaner counterpart, and Gronaldo’s team will have a relatively easy 2–0. This could all be moot if one (or both) Captains give themselves bad heroes. Gronaldo has a history of sometimes straying away from his hero pool (and almost always loses because of it). Last week Yfu picked Death Prophet and Viper. Which aren’t exactly win condition heroes… If Yfu is not his team’s win condition in any given game they will lose. Even if they both pick normally, the edge ultimately still resides with Gronaldo.

Doomcow 1 | 1 Bsvhsvj
In a battle of the lowest seeded, lowest power ranked, and 0 win teams… they both get their first W of the season. Bsvhsvj’s team has far more potential, but it’s been largely untapped as of yet. This team looked pretty solid post-draft, but there are clearly issues that need ironing. This series will contain the best 4’s (not including me, am I right everyone??) in PST with Ratman and Deadprez. These two will feast on their opposing carries. Narte and Bsvhsvj might be in for some rough games. Treyn will manage to solo carry his team to a win in at least one of the games. And Doomcow will make some weird fuckin pick that actually works well enough to get his team a win. If I could only predict 2–0s; Bsvhsvj would be my choice.

Thrillhouse 0 | 2 Jabinskiz
Thrillhouse elects not to ban Windranger, and I solo carry my team with scorelines of 16/2/19 and 21/1/10. I’m actually not gonna say anything else because Jabinskiz would bully me for giving away strats or something. It’s definitely not because I’m lazy

Forest Bear 2 | 0 StonedSpirit
Forest Bear keeps flying while StonedSpirit falls back to the earth after a nice 3–1 start for both squads. The StonedSpirit cores can’t manage to keep up their compatriots on the other side. Lane plays well as always, but The Chazz is up to the task and draws both midlanes. The biggest question mark for this matchup is Zoompa. He hasn’t played up to the expectations someone holding a divine 3 medal produces so far. If he steps it up the StonedSpirit boys could sweep, or at the very least take home a draw.

Neku 2 | 0 Burgeoning
Odyssey has been playing ok, but they have not shown the ability to completely 1 v 9 a game as of yet. And it’s necessary for Burgeoning’s team to grab wins. Until Odyssey showcases that rank 200 ability; I’ll be forced to predict losses. Neku’s team doesn’t play amazing, but they do enough to squeak out a 2–0. The only concern I have for Neku’s team is Emu. If he gets stomped by Odyssey in the mid lane and can’t recover… can Ashen carry hard enough to win his team the games?

Last Week Predictions

Zend 2 | 0 Forest Bear: X

Steven 2 | 0 Crap: X

Rabisu 2 | 0 Michael J. Jackson: X

MOCA 1 | 1 Neku: X

Pneuma 0 | 2 Gronaldo: X

Yfu 1 | 1 StonedSpirit: X

Burgeoning 0 | 2 Velvelvel: !!!!$$$$!!!!

Thrillhouse 0 | 2 Bsvhsvj: X

Doomcow 0 | 2 Jabinskiz: !!!!$$$$!!!!

Score for the week: 2/9

Overall Predictions:




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